2017 Year of the Villages of Italy: newspaper  La Repubblica  enters Aggius  in the list of the 15 most beautiful towns in Italy. Come and discover the charm of our beautiful village.

Panorama di Aggius
Aggius : View  – Sardìinia

Here is the description: «Da lu monti Fraili a li monti di Pianu, si dani la mani in una danza maestosa, pa’ fa curona a Agghiu, la so sposa», “It shakes hands on either side of the mountains to surround thevillage of Aggius “, as goes the old saying about this town.  The village is one of the oldest towns in Gallura and one of the most beautiful views of Sardinia, nestled between the granitic rocks with strange shapes, stone walls and nuraghi.  Legend says that at the time of the most terrible feuds, the devil it overlooked the mountain looming over the village and did dully resound the shaky granite rock “Lu Tamburu”, terrorizing residents with the  scream  “My Aggius,  the day will come when I will take you away in a whirlwind.”,

This award is in addition to the Certification of  Associazione Borghi Autentici di Italia and  Association of Comuni Bandiera Arancione by Touring Club Italiano.

Borghi Autentici d’Italia  is an association that brings together small and medium municipalities, local authorities and local development joint bodies, the shared objective of a sustainable local development model, fair, respectful of places and people and attentive to the enhancement of local identities.  The goal: to rediscover the Italian towns as places to live, support and preserve.

The Association Borghi Autentici considers the local community as a crucial element of its development plan. The community  is considered as a place, human and cultural context, which is synonymous with the good life, of taste, of a creative know-how and a sweet social dimension; a community that opens out and becomes a ” Hosting Community  “,  protagonist of the new Soft Economy.

Moreover Aggius is part of Associazione Bandiera Arancione ,  by Touring Club Italiano. The Bandiera Arancione, brand of eco-environmental quality, was designed from the traveler’s point of view and his experience of visiting,  for those villages that  offer a quality welcome tourists, and is one tool to promote the area.

Aggius:  Small Roads in the Historic Centre – Sardinia


Aggius:  Place in Historic Centre


Aggius: Museo Meoc – Old Loom


Aggius: view Valle della Luna

Discover all our offers for your holidays in Aggius.